As a teenager, the young Fally began his musical career while still a student in various small groups in Kinshasa , in the mid-1990s. With his honeyed voice, and his amazing dance abilities, Fally soon attracted attention and eventually integrated small groups in his neighborhood, including the "New City" or "Nouvelle Alliance". But it was not until the late 90's that the young Congolese artist will join a group of nationally recognized "Talents Latents", with whom he recorded a first album. Fally becomes an artist and aspiring musician, its versatility: singer, guitarist and skill dancer.
In the late 90s, a key meeting sealed the beginning of a long musical success, the one with the group Quartier Latin International of Koffi Olomide a huge public figure in african music. Fally will find its place immediately and will become one of the leader of the well known group. He made key featuring in classic songs like Attentat, Force de Frappe, Effrakata, Affaire d'État, Monde Arabe and Danger de Mort.
The first album "Droit Chemin"
In 2006 he recorded his first solo album "Droit Chemin" produced by David Monsoh Obouo of Music. Thanks to collaborations with musical icons like Maika Munan, Krys, Mokobe and Ben-J, this album had quick and great success and his legendary status was manifested when Fally receives a gold record for more than 100,000 copies sold (this is huge in a continent devastated by piracy).
Here is the music video of the first hit single. Droit Chemin featuring Krys.
The second album "Arsenal de belle mélodies"
Three years after the release of "Droit Chemin" Fally Ipupa returns with a second album "Arsenal de belle mélodies". Once again he has set the bar very high, presenting this time an album beyond the borders through the participation of Olivia Longott, American singer (former member of the G-Unit 50 Cent), in the song electric chair and Krys for the second consecutive time. He won his second gold disc with this second album with over 100,000 copies sold, including 40,000 in one week, a record for a Congolese artist.
Here is another hit single from this second album. Chaise Electrique featuring Olivia.
Success stories
The artist has enjoyed the success of this album by delivering a concert at the Zenith in Paris January 2, 2010, with over 6000 people. On Saturday, June 11, 2011, he participated in the African night at the Stade de France with other African stars. May 16, 2009, at the Creole Night organized by the group Kassav ', Fally runs a fine performance on his own to the group Kassav' and ignites the Stade de France filled with 90,000 people. He participated in a gesture to Haiti. He participated in Spread the word.