Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cameroon: Statistics In 2012

I have recently read a great brochure on investment in Cameroon 2012  by Jeune Afrique, and I wanted to share the findings with you. Here they are.

Economic powerhouse of Francophone Central Africa, and accounting for half of its population, Cameroon is strategically positioned with its Atlantic coast, its borders with six major countries and its natural situation on the borders of  Western Africa and Southern Africa.
Vast country, stretching from the Atlantic coast, not far from the equator to the heart of the African continent, towards Lake Chad. It offers a wide variety of landscapes and climates, many forests, mineral resources in quantity (52 minerals) and 7.2 million hectares of arable land (10% of total 54 African countries).

Determined to attract foreign investors, Cameroon offers a political and economic stability, many natural and human resources, and a great development ambition.
Here are sector by sector the key statistics of Cameroon:
  • A robust and mature economy
In steady growth (4.5% in 2012), Cameroon's economy has sound fundamentals. The country is not in debt (less than 4% of GDP), exports and imports are growing steadily, the trade balance is in surplus (0.8% of GDP) and inflation is contained (2%).
  • A large market
With 19.4 million inhabitants, 52% in urban areas, Cameroon is one of the first sub-Saharan African markets and the first in Francophone Central Africa. Distribution, transportation and, more generally, services are promised a great development.
  • A well-trained and  bilingual youth
Cameroon has 80 colleges, which graduate nearly 4,000 students per year. 48% of Cameroonians are under 15 years in a country that has one of the highest enrollment in the region (over 50%). French and English are both official languages.
  • A solid network of business
The country has more than 90,000 companies with fifty large companies (revenue of 20 million dollars to over a billion dollars), and 86% of SMEs. They have a favorable institutional environment for their expansion (coaching, access to credit and government procurement, etc..).
  • A favorable business environment
The Cameroonian civil and commercial codes are similar to the French codes (also harmonized with those of all French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa). Many organizations facilitate investments: stop, simplified procedures (delay of starting a business was reduced to three days) ... Taxation is also suitable for business facilitation and trade, particularly with neighboring countries.
  •  Investment
Many sectors are available for investment:

In services
The service sector represents 51% of GDP and 85% of companies. The ambitions of the economic development of Cameroon promise a strong development, especially in distribution and trade, transportation and tourism.

In manufacturing and mining
Manufacturing and mining represent the secondary sector and account for 22% of GDP, and it is changing rapidly. Very dynamic, BTP achieved annual growth of 12.5%. Gas and its transformation, and the exploration and mining industry offer many opportunities.

In Agriculture
Large producer of cocoa, wood, rubber, banana, coffee, tea and cotton, Cameroon accounts for 27% of its GDP through the primary sector, which has several strengths. Three quarters of the arable lands are available for new crops and food industries are in short supply.


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